Instructional Scaffolding

2 votes

Scaffolding is an educational strategy based on the premise of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development, where learning happens most effectively with the guidance of a more knowledgeable person. It is an approach in which a teacher or mentor offers necessary supports to facilitate a student's learning and gradually reduces those supports as the student becomes more competent and confident.

Scaffolding is often broken down into three stages:

Modeling/Demonstration: The teacher clearly demonstrates the task. They don't merely tell students what to do; they show them.

Guided Practice: The teacher guides students as they perform the task, offering tips and feedback.

Independent Practice: Students are given the opportunity to perform the task independently. The teacher observes and only steps in when necessary.

For example, let's consider learning how to write a persuasive essay:

Under consideration Suggested by: jonas Upvoted: 13 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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